Story of Gog Magog


Story of Gog Magog in Islam

The story of Gog and Magog, known in Islam as Yajuj and Majuj (ÙŠَØ£ْجُوج ÙˆَÙ…َØ£ْجُوج), is a noteworthy portion of Islamic eschatology, drawing on both the Quran and Hadith. Here is a comprehensive account of their story and importance in Islam.

Story of Gog Magog

Quranic Narrative:

Surah Al-Kahf (18:83-98):

This surah relates the story of Dhul-Qarnayn, a extraordinary and honest ruler who was allowed control by Allah. Amid his voyages, he come to a put between two mountains where he experienced a individuals who may scarcely get it his discourse. They complained to him around the devastation caused by Yajuj and Majuj and inquired him to construct a obstruction to secure them. Dhul-Qarnayn concurred and built a solid divider utilizing squares of press and liquid copper, successfully keeping Yajuj and Majuj behind it. He cautioned, in any case, that when Allah's guarantee comes to pass, the obstruction will be breached, permitting Yajuj and Majuj to emerge.

Surah Al-Anbiya (21:96-97):

These verses specify that the boundary will be breached when the conclusion times approach, and Yajuj and Majuj will surge forward from each tallness, spreading chaos and pulverization. This occasion is a clear sign of the looming Day of Judgment.

Hadith Literature

Characteristics and Nature:

Hadiths give extra subtle elements almost Yajuj and Majuj. They are portrayed as various and amazingly effective, competent of causing awesome demolition. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) specified that they will drink up the water of Lake Tiberias (the Ocean of Galilee) and their numbers will be so tremendous that the final of them will pass by the lake and say, "There utilized to be water here."

Timing of Emergence:

Yajuj and Majuj will show up after the return of Jesus (Isa). Concurring to Hadith in Sahih Muslim, after Jesus routs the Antichrist (Al-Masih ad-Dajjal), Yajuj and Majuj will be discharged. This implies one of the last major signs some time recently the Day of Judgment.

Their Rampage:

Once discharged, Yajuj and Majuj will cause far reaching devastation and chaos. The devotees, driven by Jesus, will look for asylum in fortifications and supplicate for divine intercession as they are incapable to withstand the attack of Yajuj and Majuj.

Divine Intervention:

Allah will react to the supplications of the devotees by sending worms or creepy crawlies that will assault the necks of Yajuj and Majuj, driving to their end. Their dead bodies will fill the arrive, causing a foul stench.

Cleanup of the Earth:

Following their passing, Allah will send fowls with long necks to carry absent the bodies of Yajuj and Majuj. At that point, a cleansing rain will wash absent the leftovers, filtering the Soil from their presence.

Interpretations by Islamic Scholars

Historical Context:

Some researchers have endeavored to distinguish Yajuj and Majuj with chronicled tribes or people groups known for their intrusions and pulverization, such as the Scythians or Mongols. These elucidations connect the story to genuine chronicled occasions and people groups, in spite of the fact that the correct characters stay speculative.

Symbolic Interpretations:

Other researchers translate Yajuj and Majuj typically, speaking to the strengths of chaos and clutter that will develop in the conclusion times, testing the confidence and versatility of believers.

The Barrier:

The correct area of the boundary developed by Dhul-Qarnayn has been the subject of much wrangle about. A few propose it might be in the Caucasus locale, whereas others have hypothesized around its affiliation with the Incredible Divider of China. In any case, its exact area remains unknown.

Story of Gog Magog

Story of Gog Magog:

The story of Gog and Magog is noteworthy in Islamic eschatology, highlighting the extreme trial some time recently the Day of Judgment. Their development symbolizes the awesome test of confidence and continuance for devotees, emphasizing the topics of divine equity and the possible triumph of honesty over chaos and evil.


In outline, Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) in Islamic convention are portrayed as damaging strengths that will be discharged in the conclusion times, causing far reaching ruin. Their story underscores the trials that humankind will confront some time recently the Day of Judgment and the significance of confidence and divine intercession in overcoming these challenges. The story is profoundly established in Islamic eschatology, serving as a update of the drawing nearer Day of Judgment and the extreme triumph of great over fiendish.


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